Pachli 2.8.1 released

Pachli 2.8.1 is now available. This fixes a crash when uploading media and corrects two UI problems.

Significant bug fixes

Fix crash when posting media

In some cases Pachli could crash if you tried to send a post while the media for the post was still uploading. This is fixed, you can upload again with impunity.

Restore transitions when opening a video

Pachli shows videos in your timeline as a still image, and when you tap the image it should smoothly transition to the full screen video player.

Jasdemi reported this was not working correctly in #920.

Investigation showed a bug in newer versions of the Google media library on Android 14 broke this transition; the video still plays, but when you tap the video nothing appears to happen for a second or two before it starts playing. The bug has been worked around, and the transition is back.

Prevent overlapping text on preview cards

In some rare situations the text on a preview card – which shows you an image for the first link in any post and a few lines of summary text – could overlap the image. Thanks to Kalle Kniivilä for reporting this.

Thank you

Thank you to everyone who took the time to report issues and provide additional followup information and screenshots.

Download Pachli 2.8.1 from Google Play, F-Droid, or the GitHub release page.

Pachli is a Nivenly Foundation project